Archive: » 2013 » July

It’s a start after all…

  • 31/07/2013
It’s a start after all…

As some of you might've noticed all of the sudden quite a few pages and posts have returned here on the site. The database backup I had was a recent one so the text content has been restored. However all the images are not (since I didn't have the files, and they were not accessible on the old server). Also all the links have changed (permalink structure) so I have to go trough each post and page to update links, re-upload images, and not to mention relink, resize and restore well over 1100 photo's from the galleries and countless images from several media galleries. Luckily most of this stuff...


First steps in recreating the website

  • 29/07/2013
First steps in recreating the website

I've started the first steps into recreating the website after the total loss. There's still loads of work to be done but first bits are there (basic structure). Most of the menu items are not working yet, but each will be restored in time. It's just a very long process. Also recreating all pages, images and other stuff will be a time consuming thing. But luckily we have most pictures in some form or another (either stored online, on the wife's computer or on my laptop, there's a bit everywhere. I will first try to create the basic pages for each part of the website before adding in content....


News Update!

  • 15/07/2013
News Update!

Hello Readers and Owners, We have a few news updates for you. First of all the 45th National Dog Show @ Gorzów Wielkopolski which was held on the 7th of July 2013. We attended the exhibition with Cirilla, Claudia and Coco of World of Bullcraft. At the end of the day we had a Golden medal + CWC for Cirilla and a Bronze medal for Claudia. Coco didn't manage to earn a medal, but was still judged 'very good'. Second we have new additions to our kennel, a white with patch male bulldog (Taurus Amudaria, we call him Taurus) and a white with patch female bullterriër (Coloroco LOLLIPOP...