Bringing your pup home within Europe


If you want to take your new puppy home, but you live in another EU country than we do, there are certain rules and regulations to abide by. These rules have been changed since 29th December 2015 to be more in unison across the EU member states. Some countries have additional regulations or treatments before you can enter your country with your new pup. If in doubt always check with your local governments to make sure what rules and regulations apply to prevent problems later on.

Obligatory Vaccinations:
Besides the regular vaccinations, a rabies vaccination is obligatory. The first vaccination  has to be administered at least 21 days before departure, thereafter according to the vaccination schedule.

A identification chip is obligatory for all pups born after the 3rd July 2011. This chipnumber is marked up in section III of the passport.

European Animal Passport:
Each pup needs to have a individual European Animal Passport. This passport is now only supplied by a veterinarian. After we and our veterinarian fills out all the details, section III of the passport has to be sealed with a transparent adhesive laminate (this to prevent fraud).

Pups younger than 3 months:
Since 29th December 2014 it’s not allowed to travel with your pup to any country within the European Union when it doesn’t have a valid rabies vaccination. This vaccination is given when your pup is 12 weeks old. Afterwards the pup has to wait 21 days before it’s allowed to travel to another country within the European Union. So this means pups younger than 15 weeks are not allowed to travel within the European Union.

Additional treatments:
All pups travelling to Finland, Ireland, Malta, the United Kingdom or Sweden  require a treatment against Echinococcus multilocularis, administered by a veterinarian within a period of not more than 120 hours and not less than 24 hours before the time of scheduled entry. This treatment also has to be registered in the pup’s passport by the veterinarian.

More information:
You can find more information on the website of the European Union.