World of Bullcraft's Posts

Pup’s Pages are created and populated…

  • 18/11/2011

Ok, I've been working dilligently to create all pages and populate it with at least a bit of info and a picture or two. I know it's not much, but hey, Rome wasn't build in a day either :) I will add more photo's and content over time. First I have some other matters to attend to as well on- and off-site so it will slow down a bit now. Ladies and Gentlemen...        **Drumroll**         May I present to you... [avatar:]Pandora's "B" Litter:[/avatar] Females: [avatar:]Bloodrose...


Pandora has 8 pups born, all are healthy!

  • 15/11/2011

3 females and 5 males were born on 11-11-2011 partly natural (2) and partly trough C-section (6) by our Veterinarian here in Świnoujście (Poland). After the first 2 pups were born there was a delay of a few hours (nothing to worry about generally). Our Veterinarian on standby decided to induce labouring by injecting Oxytocin. However it didn't yield any results. Therefor it was decided to intervene and perform a C-section to 'rescue' the remaining 6 pups. Everything is going well with the small ones. They are all growing nicely, start to crawl around and voice their needs. Due to the C-section...


Pandora’s Expecting Pups @ 11-11-2011

  • 20/10/2011

Well, judging by the development of Pandora's belly and nipples, we can assume that she's pregnant and is expecting her litter around 11-11-2011. We've paired her with Atylla Hun ‘Pepper’ Bule z Buzy, which is currently the best Bullterriër male in Poland and beyond. Currently he's selected to represent Poland at the F.C.I. World Champion of Champions competition in Brussels (where he came in second!). Unfortunately I'm preparing for my 3 weeks working period and will most likely not be home for birth. This is very unfortunate for my wife who's gonna have to sacrifice her first nights...


Rostock 08-10-2011, the Aftermath!

  • 08/10/2011

Hello again. We've just come back home with a second place on the exhibition. To start off Emily got excellent marks (On the German judge report it's marked as "V" which stands for "Vorzüglich") and in addition she got the Reserve German Champion addition (On the German judge report it's called "Res.-Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH"). Ofcourse preparations were maticulous and precise. All the paperwork, injections, passport, chip, leash an the whole works was tiptop except for one tiny thing..... Show Position! We totally forgot to train that with her (or better said I forgot to train that with her)....


Second parts of the updates are done!

  • 07/10/2011

Lets get ready to Rumble! The second part of the updates are done. Backend is now fully up-to-date and so are all plugins again. They update faster than I can do my work lately, haha! Wordpress is fully functional and so are all the other things I have running here. Preparations for Rostock Dogshow tomorrow... Unfortunately my wife catched a stomachflue and will not be able to attend tomorrow. If I wake up in time (it's still a few hours away) I will come with Emily and attend the show alone. Would mean I have to stand up around 5 AM to get there in time, but I will do my very best (we are registered...