debbi moore

“D” Litter news and updates…

  • 03/02/2013

Hello dear readers, As you might have noticed already if you are a frequent visitor, the pages for the pups have been created and linked trough at several places on the site. Alot of pictures have been added to the general and individual galleries (and I could see we've neglected a few pups, so that's something we will work on in the next few days to make some more pictures of them) and alltogether 6 video's have been added to our YouTube page (nicely put in a playlist for convenience). Soon I will be setting up their next 'home', a puppy box, because the green apple sandshell that you can see on some...


The names have been picked.

  • 28/01/2013

Hello readers and frequent visitors of these pages. The names for Pandora's "D" Litter have been picked. I made a list of names and my wife decided on which ones to use. Some are references to World of Warcraft characters and some are titles, people or personages from movies, series, a play by Shakespeare and even a expression. We decided on the following names: Females: Daisy Duke of World of Bullcraft (Reserved) Debbi Moore of World of Bullcraft (Reserved) Déjà Vu of World of Bullcraft (Reserved) Desdemona of World of Bullcraft (Reserved) Dolce Vita of...